Wednesday, June 3, 2009

choose yr' choice. think again. rejoice.

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So i want to know....

You really need to watch torturing Democracy... all 3 parts available online free here...

I have so many thoughts on this topic... and little time to say them.

one thought... ok... so all this talk about how, "if the president authorizes it, and lawyers say it's all coool"... then "it's all coool".... ok, right... but by this logic... Hitlers "crime" was having crappy lawyers? right? no, that's not right...
was his crime not changing Germany's laws to state that he COULD be an evil monster?? no. that's not right either...
What if Germany had become safer after he carried out all the Facist actions, and had a police state, with no dissidents and no terror, and no criminals... was he THEN a patriot, and in the right?

NO (says I) his CRIME... was NOT a crime in the "codified" and demonstrable form... it was in doing Evil and Wrong... It was international as well... so... what i am asking is...

In this world that is being created by pundits today, if Hitler had better lawyers, and had written legal memos authorizing his usage of concentration death camps... WOULD HE BE WALKIN' FREE TODAY, going on TV talking about how he was doing "not the right thing... but what was necessary"?

Monday, June 1, 2009

cormac mcarthyès - The Road... coming next year to movie format.

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"Moar Powerrr Please."

fusion smusion... the LHC failed in it's mission to bring black holes to earth... now the "Federation of Physicists for the Extinction of Earths Rotation"... or FPhEEAR as they are known in intellectual circles ; ) is looking for a NEW way to create black holes.

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US lab debuts super laser

A US weapons lab on Friday pulled back the curtain on a super laser with the power to burn as hot as a star.

The National Ignition Facility's main purpose is to serve as a tool for gauging the reliability and safety of the US nuclear weapons arsenal but scientists say it could deliver breakthroughs in safe fusion power.

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What are the ethics of this...

is anyone else sick of all the hype over "making us better"?

Personally i think the ingenuity and creativity of humanity UNAIDED is unparalleled... i think we are stifled by what we are told we "CAN" and "CANNOT" do, or think, from a very young age... when people are allowed to, and encouraged to think OUTSIDE the box... we can surprise even ourselves.
(I'm not saying that we are UNcreative for having made computers... and anything that follows from that... only that I'd like to see pop media stop being so easily WOWED by anything "new-tech".
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Neural Implants: What Would Darwin Think?

Will future humans have computers implanted in their brains? Researchers are developing a neural implant that can think independently—just like the human brain does. Creepy? Yeah. Cool? Definitely. Scientists at the University of Florida aren’t just creating a neural implant that can translate human brain signals, but one that can act independently to increase its efficiency and synergy with the brain as it learns new things.
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The Movie Timeline - of all the movie timelines on all the net, you walked into this one

yes... they took the plotlines from like.. all movies, and put them together into the largest,most convoluted timeline conceivable..(besides trying to explain terminator series, or planet of the apes)


A mosquito becomes irrevocably trapped in tree resin. (Pangea - Jurassic Park)

A giant meteorite strikes Earth and creates a parallel dimension where dinosaurs continue to thrive. (Super Mario Bros.)


Ape-like creatures inhabit the Earth; ape stands and becomes man. (History of the World: Part I)


Martians uplift apes to become intelligent as a way to preserve their own society. (Quatermass and the Pit)


Aliens leave monolith on Earth. (2001: A Space Odyssey)


The Monolith tinkers with the man-ape brain. (Olduvai Gorge, Africa - 2001: A Space Odyssey)


Dinosaurs become extinct. (Godzilla)

The first artist paints on a cave wall. (North American continent - History of the World: Part I)


A phone box briefly arrives from the future containing Bill S Preston and Ted 'Theodore' Logan. (San Dimas, CA - Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure)

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Sunday, May 31, 2009

skulls, what are they?

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Slow Loris
Owl Monkey
Green Sea Turtle
Black Rhinoceros
Malayan Tapir
Malayan Tapir
Ganges River Dolphin
Polar Bear
Polar Bear
What is a Skull?
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What goes around.... Comes around.

beautiful symbolism in this particular art project... (again, as i have mentioned b-fore... beauty has many faces./names/ ways of being)

Big Ant International have won a Gold Pencil for Design (Public Service Poster) at the One Show Design Awards held this week. Four posters were designed to wrap around poles, campaigning for an end to the war in Iraq, pointing to the Global Coalition for Peace web site. Grenades, rifles, missiles and tank guns come round the pole to catch up with the aggressor in each poster. What goes around comes around. The campaign won a Silver Pencil at the One Show and has also been shortlisted at the Clio 2009 (May 12-14) (WON GOLD) and D&AD Awards (June 11).

What Goes Around Comes Around poster for Global Coalition for Peace
What Goes Around Comes Around poster for Global Coalition for Peace
What Goes Around Comes Around poster for Global Coalition for Peace
What Goes Around Comes Around poster for Global Coalition for Peace
What Goes Around Comes Around poster for Global Coalition for Peace
What Goes Around Comes Around poster for Global Coalition for Peace
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American Eagle

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The bedraggled Eagle circled me once - then lit atop a nearby fir tree. He had a six-foot wingspread and looked mighty angry.

I was concerned that I might be his next target, but he was so exhausted he just stared at me. Then I wondered if he would topple to the ground. As he tried to dry his feathers, it seemed to me that this beleaguered Eagle symbolized America in its current trials.

(1,200 mm effective Focal Length)


My half-hour wait was rewarded with this marvelous sight. He flew away, almost good as new.

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When u wish apon a starr.

makes no diffrence who u are.
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Love this sort of imaging tech-know-logy...

I love the idea of Image based rendering... (which is pretty much using IMAGES (hence image based) to make rendering (like a video game environment... only photorealistic... not all poly-gon-y
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Make your own GigaPans with the low-cost GigaPan Epic

Friday, March 13, 2009


Monday, March 9, 2009

The girl who silenced the un.

100th post?

This young lady silenced the world for six minutes in 1992...

She is the daughter of someone who i see as a great leader for Canada... a hero, and a wise man, a kind man, and as i learned when i saw his daughter speaking with such passion and conviction... a great father. Severn Cullis-Suzuki

Friday, February 27, 2009


From Greek allos meaning "other" and agora meaning gathering place (especially the marketplace). In times past, it was common to do one's chatting at the marketplace. Some of the topics discussed were clandestine in nature and when people spoke about them, for fear of being punished, they would speak indirectly. That is to say, they would speak about one thing in such a way as to intimate the actual information to the listener. Thus, the persons discussing clandestine matters were said to be speaking of "other things" in the marketplace. Eventually the words joined and became associated with the act of speaking about one thing while meaning another.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Black White Grey.. but which one DOES it say?


Friday, February 20, 2009

You probably dream of making randomly mathmatically generated music when you grow up... why not today?


If you go to this website you might never leave... (spoiler, it contains a wicked sweet age guessing game!)


Take that sir!


Net Nutrality in Canada... ( take action.


Mammoth skeleton found nearly intact in Los Angeles(...the la brea tar pits..the the tar tar pits.)

Ok, so this is most likely only one of many finds... but the article contains something that all articles on the topic seem to contain....

Ok... La Brea = The Tar in spanish... and the article (and all others like it...) always say The La brea Tar Pits ....something something something...
so are they TRYING to say... the The tar Tar pits???

or is it just ignorance? I ignore... you decide ;)

I should mention that i love fossils... so i will one day come back to 1) this story...and 2) more stuff about fossils/tar pits/ and animals.

Bird imitating camera shutter, car alarm and chain saws...


The Uncanny Cephalopods

Cephalopod or "head foot"... not only do i really love these creatures... they have like a million cool facts about them...

here's one introduction to them....

This little page i found also has a page on "deepsea" life... pretty cool!

also... if you ever thought sex was cool... these weird deepsea creatures will fix you.