Monday, June 1, 2009

What are the ethics of this...

is anyone else sick of all the hype over "making us better"?

Personally i think the ingenuity and creativity of humanity UNAIDED is unparalleled... i think we are stifled by what we are told we "CAN" and "CANNOT" do, or think, from a very young age... when people are allowed to, and encouraged to think OUTSIDE the box... we can surprise even ourselves.
(I'm not saying that we are UNcreative for having made computers... and anything that follows from that... only that I'd like to see pop media stop being so easily WOWED by anything "new-tech".
clipped from

Neural Implants: What Would Darwin Think?

Will future humans have computers implanted in their brains? Researchers are developing a neural implant that can think independently—just like the human brain does. Creepy? Yeah. Cool? Definitely. Scientists at the University of Florida aren’t just creating a neural implant that can translate human brain signals, but one that can act independently to increase its efficiency and synergy with the brain as it learns new things.
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